We cannot be successful without your support!
Make an investment in our community’s quality of life through a donation to the Virgin River Land Preservation Association. For more than 25 years, with the support of donors like you, the Association has worked to conserve land to protect southwestern Utah’s natural, agricultural, scenic and historic resources for future generations.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Virgin River Land Preservation Association relies on the generosity of people who care about open space to make our programs succeed. The more support we have from individuals, the more we are able to secure the grant funds
needed to purchase development rights. Our overhead costs are kept very low so that almost all of our resources go directly to land conservation. Every $100 of membership contributions raised in 2017 enabled the Virgin River Land Preservation Association to protect over $10,000 worth of land!
Please join us in protecting southwestern Utah’s scenic heritage and our quality of life. Want to support a specific project? Earmark your gift for Sheep Bridge Crossing!